Welcome | It's Personal | Our Hunts | Dates
7 Bar Outfitters is located in Morehead, Kentucky! We like to describe ourselves as a low pressure operation. We only take a limited amount of hunters each year with some of our farms being bow only. We believe this part of the state has some of the richest ground out there when it comes to hunting big bucks! We hunt the northeastern counties of Mason, Lewis, Fleming, Rowan, and Bath. Lewis county is the #1 Boone and Crockett county in the state which is why we try keeping most of our ground in the surrounding area! Let our photos speak for themselves, we've got the bucks!
It's Personal
You're not just a number to us like most outfitters! We want you to come back year after year because we want you to feel like you hunt with an outfitter that gives their very best effort! We work hard on keeping fresh spots for every hunter that comes into camp. We even have a few farms that are bow only! There is a maximum of 4 hunters in camp at once, we believe this makes the experience more enjoyable and personal. We currently have a 46% success rate with a 76% shot opportunity and a gross average of 147 inches.
Our Hunts
We only hunt the best weeks of the year, this allows us to keep unneeded pressure off our deer herd and boosts your percentage on harvesting a buck. All our hunts are based on a 5 day slate. You will arrive the evening before, allowing us to watch you shoot your gun or bow to ensure your equipment is on. Meals and lodging are included with every hunt unless you request otherwise. We encourage every hunter to harvest a doe if they are to kill a buck. We believe this is a great way to keep our herd balanced and a practice quality deer management.
There are NO TROPHY FEES at 7 Bar though we do have minimum requirements of 130" to 140" on some farms. There is a $1000 fine for not meeting the minimum standards on those farms. We are 100% fair chase with no fences. We limit ourselves to 4 hunters in camp per week which makes the experience more enjoyable, personal and successful.